Welcome to Homewood's Alumni Community

For over 130 years we've helped hundreds of thousands of Canadians struggling with mental health and addiction issues get the support and treatment they need to make their lives better. But we want to do more because sustaining recovery is easier when you’re surrounded by the right support. The Homewood Alumni community is already strong and we want to make it even stronger by providing a hub for resources, learning and eventually, connecting with each other across the country. 

And this is just the beginning! We want to hear from you about what you want to see on this site in the future and how Homewood can help in your recovery. Contact information is located at the bottom of each page.

Together in Recovery

Officially join the Homewood Alumni Community and get access to articles, tools and resources to support your recovery. You’ll also be able to access and participate in clinical research studies and stay up-to-date with Homewood Health news and events.

Expert Articles

The Homewood Alumni library provides a number of articles related to addiction, mental health, wellness, life skills, relationships and recovery. Some highlights include tips for how to increase your self-confidence, the impact of sleep on your health and tips for helping you connect with the community.

Interactive e-Learning Courses

Homewood Alumni e-Learning provides self-paced, private, and personalized learning experiences designed to improve personal health and well-being. A variety of courses are available, focusing on health and wellness and a wide range of life skills.

Other Resources
  • Additional community services and contacts
  • Additional Homewood services and programs
  • Homewood Alumni events (coming soon)

We Want to Hear From You!

If you have any suggestions for things you’d like to see on this site, or in general for Homewood Alumni please email us.


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Homeweb offers you a wealth of resources so you can learn, read and get support however and whenever you need it.